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Topic: Issue with Forum_News V3
Forum: Nuke Blocks / Modules Support Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:29 am Subject: Issue with Forum_News V3
I'm having issues with Forum_news. I've posted this on ravenphpscripts site as well, but no one has responded.
I'm getting this error:
When I post news via forums, if I select "Homepage news" instead of "Normal", it works. It's only when "Normal", "Sticky" or "Announcement" are selected I get the error and only when the the modified files, functions_post.php and postings.php, have been uploaded to the site. Posting works fine when using the default files.
Is there anything you can think of I can try?
I'm having issues with Forum_news. I've posted this on ravenphpscripts site as well, but no one has responded.
I'm getting this error:
PHP: [ Select all ]
Error in posting
SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 0)' at line 1
INSERT INTO nuke_bbtopics (topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, forum_news, topic_vote) VALUES ('test', 3, 1477398228, 3, 0, 0, , 0)
Line : 227
File : functions_post.php
When I post news via forums, if I select "Homepage news" instead of "Normal", it works. It's only when "Normal", "Sticky" or "Announcement" are selected I get the error and only when the the modified files, functions_post.php and postings.php, have been uploaded to the site. Posting works fine when using the default files.
Is there anything you can think of I can try?
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