● Left 4 Dead 2 Anyone?

Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:24 pm
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Any of you have L4D2? Due to the holiday coming up along with the 10-year anniversary of this game approaching, I decided to reinstall this game and play it a bit. Delrick and I have been having fun playing this both on co-op campaign and VS. So if anyone of you that have it and want to join in, let me know on steam or here. If you're interested in buying this great game, its not expensive, It's only $10 USD.

This is also great for those of you that run slower hardware. Considering that this is a 10-year-old game, most of you should be good with this game.

I have streamed this and will be streaming this more and I like to keep it locked down so randoms don't come in and ruin the experience. Del & I like to get more people involved for we think having a community just messing with each other on this game will be a good time.

Buy Here if you don't have it for $10:
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I know there are a few out there that don't like Steam, well, better start get used to this style platform, more are coming and soon, everything will be done through these type of launchers/stores.


There are a ton of mods/maps, model changes for this game, and they are all free. I have been considering maybe looking into making a custom campaign, but I wouldn't start that for a little while. Having access to more maps and mods makes the game more enjoyable and if we can get more people into playing this game, I think the more fun we can have.
Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:28 am
Blabbing Noob
54 Posts
Reputation: 799
I used to like playing this game with my squad mates. Gave us Hours of fun. I think I have it somewhere on Disk, that's how long ago it was now.

I'll find it out and Install it sometime Today but the only Issue I might have is the Time difference because I'm in the UK and you are in the States making the time a bit out of sorts, depending on which timezone you come under.

What Timezone do you come under Corpse?

UK = Greenwich Mean Time(GMT).
Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:36 am
Blabbing Noob
54 Posts
Reputation: 799
I've added you to my friends list on Steam. Let the slaughter commence LoL!

Thu Oct 24, 2019 7:31 am
Nuke Dev / Coder
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Yeah i have this, used to play it a lot with friends until they moved on to more recent games.
Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:19 pm
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— Megaboost wrote
What Timezone do you come under Corpse?

UK = Greenwich Mean Time(GMT).

I am EDT, which currently is GMT -4, I believe goes -5 with day light savings. I usually play at night, but, I am trying to change my schedule around to be more day time oriented, which is evening for you.

Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:30 pm
Blabbing Noob
54 Posts
Reputation: 799
I've got it installed and I gave it a quick try. Somehow it plays better than I remember too. I tried it on singleplayer with the bots helping me to get started but I found that I was catching most of the bloody Boomers because the Bots with me kinda shat themselves and stood behind me  hrm

Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:20 am
Clan Member
8 Posts
Reputation: 286.1
Got it just now and will try it out
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