— zardos wroteHi coRpSE, sorry m8 that didn't work. the mod works great, it only shows those 2 lines when you (Edit-Reply-Quick-Reply) its ok with new post. Its not causing any problems and only shows foe a few seconds, no log errors or anything, i run it on local for now, but I will put it on server later see if that makes a difference.
Did you clear your cache, including going into the /modules/forums/cache/ and deleting everything from there EXCEPT for the attach_config.php and index.html? If not, try deleting those. I had that error and that file fixed it for me.
Hi coRpSE, its ok, it works find on the net server, stupid local again. will come on discord later if i can.
— zardos wroteHi coRpSE, its ok, it works find on the net server, stupid local again. will come on discord later if i can.
strange, it works on my local no problem.
I use Xamp mainly but also Wamp, not tried it on wamp.
Yeah, I only use Xamp for a day, and that was years ago. Didn't like how I couldn't change PHP versions quickly and easily.