Description: Display news from a selected forum on your homepage.
This was suppost to just get Thomas started on the idea, but I got carried away.
Everyone is welcome to use/modify do what they like with it. the code is very well commented.
Read the config at the top of index.php to set it up. Set the module as the home module to replace your default news.
If you use this on your site please post a link so i can check out how it looks on different themes. I will help with any bugs you may encounter but because its free your be at the bottom of the list.
Version 2 (single forum)
Version 3 (allows any topic from any forum)
(note: if you are using v2, usernamecolor, topic icon and evo image resize have already been added to the module.)
below are a list of all the mods from ClanThemes.
Mods will also be added to our downloads section soon, if you want the mods, you can PM me and I will send it to you.
This was suppost to just get Thomas started on the idea, but I got carried away.
- Displays almost all BBcodes.
- Truncate the post to a number of characters any html tags that are cut off will be automatically added so its always 100% valid code.
- Displays posted by and the time posted on.
- Comment count is the number of replys.
- Title and comments link to the forum thread.
- Has its own pagination.
- Set number of articles to show per page.
- Social buttons uses thread titles and links to the thread. Can turn on and off.
- Each article is in its own nuke table so it will match the theme. Cant see them very well in my screen grap becuase my nuke tables are just black boxes that are 80% transparent.
- Displays the thread icon next to title if you use the module with this added. Evo only
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Everyone is welcome to use/modify do what they like with it. the code is very well commented.
Read the config at the top of index.php to set it up. Set the module as the home module to replace your default news.
If you use this on your site please post a link so i can check out how it looks on different themes. I will help with any bugs you may encounter but because its free your be at the bottom of the list.
Version 2 (single forum)
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Version 3 (allows any topic from any forum)
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(note: if you are using v2, usernamecolor, topic icon and evo image resize have already been added to the module.)
- lytebox bbcode mod (Noto)
- mod (DreAdeDcoRpSE)
- Replace HTML Newsletter News with News from the Forum_News module (Noto)
- UsernameColor (OBTeo) or UsernameColor (Noto)
- Resize images for Forum news module (Noto)
- Stickynote / Float Left/Right bbcode (DreAdeDcoRpSE)
- Large gap under 1st item fix. (Noto)
below are a list of all the mods from ClanThemes.
Mods will also be added to our downloads section soon, if you want the mods, you can PM me and I will send it to you.
Mod #1 - Lytebox
He is the bbcode for lytebox.
Open evo_bbcode.php find:
After on a new line add:
After on a new line add:
Save file and upload.
He is the bbcode for lytebox.
Open evo_bbcode.php find:
Code: [ Select all ]
$bbcode_tpl['img'] = "<img src=\"$1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
After on a new line add:
Code: [ Select all ]
$bbcode_tpl['lytebox'] = "<a href=\"$3\" rel=\"lytebox\"><img style=\"border:2px dotted;\" src=\"$3\" width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
Code: [ Select all ]
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl['img'];
After on a new line add:
Code: [ Select all ]
$patterns[] = "#\[lytebox width=([0-6]?[0-9]?[0-9]) height=([0-4]?[0-9]?[0-9]):$bbcode_uid\](.*?)\[/lytebox:$bbcode_uid\]#si";
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl['lytebox'];
Save file and upload.
Mod #2 -
For those that use this module and have Evo, and implemented the Youtube update from here -
that allows the new link to show, then you will want to do the following. Thanks to SgtLegend for the update for the forums, but to update this module, you will do the same fix.
Open up the Root/modules/Forums_News/bbcode.php
Replace with:
Save & Upload
Now with this, it will play both and links.
For those that use this module and have Evo, and implemented the Youtube update from here -
Please login to see this link Get registered or Log in |
that allows the new link to show, then you will want to do the following. Thanks to SgtLegend for the update for the forums, but to update this module, you will do the same fix.
Open up the Root/modules/Forums_News/bbcode.php
Code: [ Select all ]
$patterns[] = "#\[youtube\]http://[A-Za-z0-9.]{2,5}\?v=([0-9A-Za-z-_]{11})[^[]*\[/youtube\]#si";
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl['youtube'];
Replace with:
Code: [ Select all ]
$patterns[] = "#\[youtube\]http://[A-Za-z0-9.]{2,5}\?v=([0-9A-Za-z-_]{11})[^[]*\[/youtube\]#is";
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl['youtube'];
$patterns[] = "#\[youtube\][0-9A-Za-z-_]{11})[^[]*\[/youtube\]#is";
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl['youtube'];
Save & Upload
Now with this, it will play both and links.
Mod 3: HTML NewsLetter
Mod: Replace HTML Newsletter News with News from the Forum_News module.
This will replace the default News on the News letter with your forum news. So in the HTML Newsletter admin Latest News Items: will only show your news from your forum news not the default news module. The control for how many news items to show will still work.
Take backup of all files you edit.
Open modules\HTML_Newsletter\admin\admin_make_nls.php
Replace all the code inbetween, including what you searched for with:
Replace: Just like you did in the Forum_News module.
With your news forum id.
Open modules\HTML_Newsletter\templates\Plain_Jane\template.php
Replace with:
Other templates will probably vary, styles ect.. Its up to you to modify other templates.
Mod Finished: Save and upload. I hope thats what your after Dread.
Mod: Replace HTML Newsletter News with News from the Forum_News module.
This will replace the default News on the News letter with your forum news. So in the HTML Newsletter admin Latest News Items: will only show your news from your forum news not the default news module. The control for how many news items to show will still work.
Take backup of all files you edit.
Open modules\HTML_Newsletter\admin\admin_make_nls.php
Code: [ Select all ]
* Build the Latest X News Items - to replace the {NEWS} tag
Code: [ Select all ]
} //End IF for Latest X News Items
Replace all the code inbetween, including what you searched for with:
Code: [ Select all ]
* Build the Latest X News Items - to replace the {NEWS} tag
if ( $_POST['msnl_news'] > 0 && $msnl_sTemplateNm != "notemplate" ) {
$forum_id = 4; // set to your news forum id, you can get your id by looking at its url modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=4 ------ f=4 so 4 is the forum i am using.
$i = 0;
$msnl_sRows = "";
$sql = "SELECT "
."t.`topic_id` AS topic_id, "
."t.`forum_id` AS forum_id, "
."`topic_last_post_id`, "
."`topic_title`, "
."`topic_views`, "
."`topic_replies`, "
."`post_time`, "
."ut.`username` AS ut_username, "
."ut.`user_id` AS ut_user_id, "
."up.`username` AS up_username, "
."up.`user_id` AS up_user_id "
."FROM `"
.$prefix."_bbtopics` t, `"
.$prefix."_bbforums` f, `"
.$prefix."_bbposts` p, `"
.$prefix."_users` ut, `"
.$prefix."_users` up "
."f.`forum_id` = t.`forum_id` "
."AND "
."`post_id` = `topic_last_post_id` "
."AND "
."ut.`user_id` = `topic_poster` "
."AND "
."up.`user_id` = `poster_id` ";
if ( $msnl_iHideReadOnly == 1 ) { //Exclude posts which should be hidden
$sql .= "AND `auth_view` = '0' AND `auth_read` = '0' ";
$sql .= "AND `topic_moved_id` = '0' "
. "AND f.`forum_id`=$forum_id ORDER BY `topic_id` DESC LIMIT 0, ". $_POST['msnl_news'];
$result11 = msnl_fSQLCall( $sql );
if ( !$result11 ) { //Bad SQL call
} else { //Successful SQL call
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result11 ) ) {
$msnl_iTopicID = intval( $row['topic_id'] );
$msnl_iForumID = intval( $row['forum_id'] );
$msnl_iPostID = intval( $row['topic_last_post_id'] );
$msnl_sTopicTitle = stripslashes( $row['topic_title'] );
$msnl_iTopicViews = intval( $row['topic_views'] );
$msnl_iTopicReplies = intval( $row['topic_replies'] );
$msnl_sPostTime = msnl_fFormatDate( $msnl_asPHPBBCfg['default_dateformat'],
$row['post_time'], $msnl_asPHPBBCfg['board_timezone'] );
$msnl_sTopicPosterNm = stripslashes( $row['ut_username'] );
$msnl_sTopicPosterID = intval( $row['ut_user_id'] );
$msnl_sLastPosterNm = stripslashes( $row['up_username'] );
$msnl_iLastPosterID = intval( $row['up_user_id'] );
$i = ++$i; //Keep track of row number
$msnl_sRowTmp = $latestnewsrow;
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{ROWNUMBER}", $i, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTOPICLASTPOSTID}", $msnl_iPostID, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTOPICID}", $msnl_iTopicID, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTOPICREPLIES}", $msnl_iTopicReplies, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTOPICTITLE}", $msnl_sTopicTitle, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTPUSERID}", $msnl_iTopicPosterID, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTPUSERNAME}", $msnl_sTopicPosterNm, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FVIEWS}", $msnl_iTopicViews, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FTIME}", $msnl_sPostTime, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FUSERID}", $msnl_iLastPosterID, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRowTmp = str_replace( "{FUSERNAME}", $msnl_sLastPosterNm, $msnl_sRowTmp );
$msnl_sRows .= $msnl_sRowTmp;
} //End While
$msnl_sLatestNews = $latestnewstop . $msnl_sRows . $latestnewsend;
$msnl_sLatestNews = str_replace( "{AMOUNT}", $_POST['msnl_news'], $msnl_sLatestNews );
} //End IF DB call successful
} else { //Will not be including Latest Forum Posts
$msnl_sLatestNews = "";
} //End IF for Latest X News Items
Code: [ Select all ]
$forum_id = 4; // set to your news forum id, you can get your id by looking at its url modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=4 ------ f=4 so 4 is the forum i am using.
Replace: Just like you did in the Forum_News module.
Code: [ Select all ]
$forum_id = 4;
Open modules\HTML_Newsletter\templates\Plain_Jane\template.php
Code: [ Select all ]
$latestnewstop = "
<div class=\"content\">
<div class=\"title\"><a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=News\">Our {AMOUNT} latest news items.</a></div>
<table width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">
<tr class=\"subtitle\">
<td width=\"5%\">
<td width=\"15%\">
<td width=\"15%\">
$latestnewsrow =
"<tr class=\"row\">
<a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid={NEWSID}&mode=&order=0&thold=0\">
<a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid={NEWSID}&mode=&order=0&thold=0\">
{TITLE} ({HITS} hits)
<a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=News&new_topic={TOPICID}\">
$latestnewsend =
Replace with:
Code: [ Select all ]
$latestnewstop .= "
<div class=\"content\">
<div class=\"title\"><a href=\"{SITEURL}\" title=\"Our latest news items\">Our {AMOUNT} latest news items.</a></div>
<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" align=\"center\">
<tr class=\"subtitle\">
<td width=\"5%\">
<td width=\"7%\">
<td width=\"10%\">
<td width=\"7%\">
<td width=\"23%\">
Latest Comment
$latestnewsrow =
" <tr class=\"row\">
<a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t={FTOPICID}\">
<a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u={FTPUSERID}\">
<a href=\"{SITEURL}/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u={FUSERID}\">
$latestnewsend =
Other templates will probably vary, styles ect.. Its up to you to modify other templates.
Mod Finished: Save and upload. I hope thats what your after Dread.
Mod 4: UserName Color
Yea he uses this module. Here you go was simple.
AUC (Advanced username colour) Extreme only mod.
Open: modules/Forum_News/index.php
Replace with:
Save upload done!
EDIT: i was adding the mods to the 1st post and noticed that OBTeo had already posted this. Vivi you tit, waste my time. LMAO
Ive put all the mods in the 1st post so they are easy to find.
Yea he uses this module. Here you go was simple.
AUC (Advanced username colour) Extreme only mod.
Open: modules/Forum_News/index.php
Code: [ Select all ]
<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=".mysql_result($result2, 0, 'username')."\">".mysql_result($result2, 0, 'username')."</a>
Replace with:
Code: [ Select all ]
<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=".mysql_result($result2, 0, 'username')."\">".UsernameColor(mysql_result($result2, 0, 'username'))."</a>
Save upload done!
EDIT: i was adding the mods to the 1st post and noticed that OBTeo had already posted this. Vivi you tit, waste my time. LMAO
Ive put all the mods in the 1st post so they are easy to find.
Mod 5: Resize images
Resize images for Forum news module. (Extreme only, Raven dont have this)
Open: includes/javascript.php
After add:
Full line will look something like this once edited.
Save and upload.
Open: modules/Forum_News/bbcode.php
Find: at the end of function parse_bbcode
Replace with:
Save and upload.
Resize images for Forum news module. (Extreme only, Raven dont have this)
Open: includes/javascript.php
Code: [ Select all ]
$name == 'News'
After add:
Code: [ Select all ]
|| $name == 'Forum_News'
Full line will look something like this once edited.
Code: [ Select all ]
if((empty($name) || $name == 'News' || $name == 'Forum_News' || $name == 'Reviews' || $name == 'Stories Archive' || $name == 'Downloads' || $name == 'Web Links' || $name == 'Content') && !defined('IN_PHPBB')) {
Save and upload.
Open: modules/Forum_News/bbcode.php
Find: at the end of function parse_bbcode
Code: [ Select all ]
$hometext = str_replace("
", '<br>', $hometext);
return $hometext;
Replace with:
Code: [ Select all ]
$hometext = str_replace("
", '<br>', $hometext);
$hometext = evo_img_tag_to_resize($hometext);
return $hometext;
Save and upload.
Mod 6: Sticky Note
While I am here on the site, I might as well post how to input the
Stickynote bbcode mod:
Float Left/Right bbcode mod:
Open modules/Forum_News/bbcode.php :
On new line, Add After:
On new line, Add After:
If you not running one but running the other, just cancel out the 2 or 4 lines that fall after the line saying what edits, for example, I will use the first set of edits. If I am running the float mod but not the sticky note mod, my edits would look like this:
All I did was add in a // before the lines I wanted to cancel out.
You will have to cancel out the edits in both sections of the file that you edit. Use a little thought, its not hard to understand or follow.
While I am here on the site, I might as well post how to input the
Stickynote bbcode mod:
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Float Left/Right bbcode mod:
Please login to see this link Get registered or Log in |
Open modules/Forum_News/bbcode.php :
Code: [ Select all ]
$bbcode_tpl['size_close'] = "</span>";
On new line, Add After:
Code: [ Select all ]
//Float Left/Right edits
$bbcode_tpl['fr_open'] = "<div class=\"floatr\">";
$bbcode_tpl['fr_close'] = "</div>";
$bbcode_tpl['fl_open'] = "<div class=\"floatl\">";
$bbcode_tpl['fl_close'] = "</div>";
//StickyNote edits
$bbcode_tpl['sn_open'] = '<div class="rotate-1"><div class="postit"><font color="#000000">';
$bbcode_tpl['sn_close'] = "</font></div></div>";
Code: [ Select all ]
$hometext = str_replace("[/size:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['size_close'], $hometext);
On new line, Add After:
Code: [ Select all ]
//Float Left/Right Edits
$hometext = str_replace("[fr:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['fr_open'], $hometext);
$hometext = str_replace("[fl:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['fl_open'], $hometext);
$hometext = str_replace("[/fr:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['fr_close'], $hometext);
$hometext = str_replace("[/fl:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['fl_close'], $hometext);
//StickyNote Edit
$hometext = str_replace("[sn:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['sn_open'], $hometext);
$hometext = str_replace("[/sn:$bbcode_uid]", $bbcode_tpl['sn_close'], $hometext);
If you not running one but running the other, just cancel out the 2 or 4 lines that fall after the line saying what edits, for example, I will use the first set of edits. If I am running the float mod but not the sticky note mod, my edits would look like this:
Code: [ Select all ]
//Float Left/Right edits
$bbcode_tpl['fr_open'] = "<div class=\"floatr\">";
$bbcode_tpl['fr_close'] = "</div>";
$bbcode_tpl['fl_open'] = "<div class=\"floatl\">";
$bbcode_tpl['fl_close'] = "</div>";
//StickyNote edits
//$bbcode_tpl['sn_open'] = '<div class="rotate-1"><div class="postit"><font color="#000000">';
//$bbcode_tpl['sn_close'] = "</font></div></div>";
All I did was add in a // before the lines I wanted to cancel out.
You will have to cancel out the edits in both sections of the file that you edit. Use a little thought, its not hard to understand or follow.
Mod 7: Large gap under 1st item
You have a css conflict.
Add this to your themes style.css
You have a css conflict.
Add this to your themes style.css
Code: [ Select all ]
.addthis_toolbox {
height: 5px;