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  » Tweet using Nightbot & PHP  Popular Tutorials

Description: This is a video tutorial to show how to use a simple PHP script I found, and modified, to allow you to send a tweet from within your stream. I do not take credit for writing the whole script, but I do take credit for the heavy modifications to the customTweet.php and sendTweet.php files to do what I was looking for.

- Video Tutorial

Version: 1.0
Added on: 12 December 2017
Author: coRpSE
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Views: 174
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  » Twitch PHP addon script - Steam game hours  Popular Tutorials

Description: Simple PHP script that allows you to show how many hours you have in a single or multiple games. For example, if you have a game, lets say H1Z1 where there are several version of it, and you want to show how many total hours between all of them, you can with this script.

- Video Tutorial

Version: 1.0
Added on: 21 April 2016
Author: coRpSE
Difficulty Level: Easy
Views: 304
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  » Magic 8 Ball script to be on Twitch  Popular Tutorials


This is a video tutorial and script to be used on your Twitch channel in conjunction of Nightbot or any other bot. In this video, I used the beta nightbot.

- Video Tutorial

Version: 1.0
Added on: 12 April 2016
Author: coRpSE
Difficulty Level: Easy
Views: 252
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